Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today. My guest this go around is Rob Lawless, or as I like to refer to him(a younger, better looking Greg). Rob is on an adventure to make 10K friends. This mission is so important that he quit the rat race to pursue it full time, and after seven years he’s over halfway there. There are so many parallels between our missions(it’s pretty crazy), that it seems we spend a good bit of the time just comparing notes which is actually pretty interesting for me…in fact I think it’s inspired me to start some public speaking surrounding what I’ve learned…I suppose inspiration is all around us all the time. I hope you enjoy this chat with Rob. Help us grow by sharing with someone!
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Please show them some love on their socials here: https://www.robs10kfriends.com/, https://www.instagram.com/robs10kfriends/, http://roblawless.com/.
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