Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today. My guest this go around is Woody Shticks. Woody is a self described comedy stripper and Queer with a capital Q. He grew up in a puritan religious community…with this in mind he learned to advocate for himself and then begin to do the same for others; even enduring years of “conversion” therapy. He now channels all of this into his comedy, one-man shows, group performances, dance, and video work…dude stays busy! Something that really drew me to him in the first place is the extremely thoughtful way he looks at the world around him and the things that are important to him; all the while he makes you laugh your ass off. If you enjoy this or any of my other episodes, please share with a friend! At any rate, I hope you enjoy this conversation with Woody.
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Please show them some love on their socials here: https://www.woodyshticks.com/, https://www.instagram.com/woodyshticks/, https://twitter.com/woodyshticks.
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