
Why Am I Dan De Leon

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Dan De Leon.  Dan lives his life the way he leads his church, open and affirming.  That was a term new to me, but essentially it means all people are welcome and supported…no matter how able bodied you are, or where you are in the LGBTQIA+ box of crayons.  Dan gives me hope.  Hope that the religious people I care about can come to the one real truth; loving others unconditionally is the only thing that matters.  You follow this principle first, and have your faith fit in around that, not the other way around.  I learn a LOT in this conversation, and I hope you do to.  Please enjoy this chat with Dan. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

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If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Why Am I Scott Jones

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Scott Jones.  He’s a British born Aussie who has always felt a bit like a fish out of water.  Part of that feeling came to light when he recently realized he’s gay, and now the world literally looks different.  I mean imagine waking up one day, and getting to experience the world through a beautiful new lens.  I hope you enjoy this chat with Scott.  Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Why Am I Geoffrey Mark

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Geoffrey Mark.  This cat started in show business at 15, and hasn’t stopped since.  He done Broadway, he dances, sings, is a comedian, and just to fill some time has also been a best selling author.  He has some valuable advice on grief, life, and talent.  Oh, and don’t forget to sparkle like Geoff.  Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Why Am I Princess Etch

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Jane Labowitch, better known as Princess Etch.  As the royal name implies, she is an artist that uses an etch-a-sketch as her medium.  In this chat, I follow her down the rabbit hole on how each etch performs differently and how it takes time to find the right one for the job.  She also shares how the video you see is backed by hours upon hours of work that are completely invisible…man, I love artists 🙂  I hope you enjoy this conversation with Jane. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Fantasy Restaurant Kelly Edwards

Welcome to the warmup exercise for the Why Am I podcast called “the Fantasy Restaurant.”  In here my guests get to pick their favorite: drink, appetizer, main, sides, and dessert…anything goes. Join us in the slow moving and beautiful south of France as we step inside of a building we are transported to DC 40 years ago to a bustling kitchen full of family and love.  Oh, also there’s a bottomless basket of bacon LOL.  I hope you enjoy this meal with Kelly. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Why Am I Kelly Edwards

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Kelly Edwards.  She’s got an impressive resume: former exec in LA, film producer, writer, teacher…but she only touches on those things.  They don’t define the person inside of Kelly, because she’s a phoenix that is constantly being reborn into a completely different person.  Not only that, but she opens her eyes each day excited to see who she’ll become.  I hope you enjoy this chat with Kelly. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Review of In And Of Itself – with Kristi Sowell

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I USUALLY talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  This time around Kristi jumps in and discusses one of my favorite performances “In And Of Itself”. It’s us breaking down what parts ment the most to us…and I learn a couple of things(as always LOL)… and yes, I get in my feels…try and power through LOLOL. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:⁠,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Fantasy Restaurant Stan Zimmerman

Welcome to the warmup exercise for the Why Am I podcast called “the Fantasy Restaurant.”  In here my guests get to pick their favorite: drink, appetizer, main, sides, and dessert…anything goes. We start this meal out light, then, thankfully, come to our senses and start just putting garlic on all of the things…we even have a triple dessert!  I hope you enjoy this meal with Stan. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Why Am I Stan Zimmerman

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Stan Zimmerman.  If there is a thing you can do in Hollywood, I’m pretty sure Stan as done it somewhere in his 3 decade plus career.  He’s written episodes from Golden Girls to Gilmore Girls(which helped inspire the title and theme of his new book).  I told you this kid has done it all.  He’s also incredibly open, honest, empathetic, but most importantly funny :).  I hope you enjoy this chat with Stan. Help us grow by sharing with someone!

Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)


Fantasy Restaurant Mark Amato

Welcome to the warmup exercise for the Why Am I podcast called “the Fantasy Restaurant.”  In here my guests get to pick their favorite: drink, appetizer, main, sides, and dessert…anything goes. Fresh off his trip to Italy, Mark has convinced me to try eggplant parm again…I told myself I was done being hurt by this dish, but I suppose I can trust again.  I hope you enjoy this meal with Mark. Help us grow by sharing with someone!
Podcast episode on Spotify here.
Youtube version here:

Please show them some love on their socials here:,

If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)
