
Why Am I – Mario Acevedo

Mario is a passionate author and artist who never lets failure stop him…and I mean never. He’s the only person to have had a vampire novel declassified by the US government…that’s not something you hear everyday…or ever really. He’s also got a quote for everything, which means he is someone definitely on my wavelength. I hope you enjoy this chat with Mario.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
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Why Am I – Cameron Hughes

Well hello there season 2, it’s nice to see you. In the spirit of starting things off with a bang, I’ve got Cameron Huges, one of the world’s great crowd igniters. Cameron has been hyping crowds for over two decades, and, no surprise here, he does a great job at hyping me up 🙂 It’s definitely not been all candy canes and lollipops along the way, but he has a way of finding the silver linings. He is extremely in touch with his feelings and motivations, which takes us deep down the rabbit hole. I hope you join me in “feeling it like it is” with Cameron.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)

Fantasy Restaurant – Quinn Dunki(Blondihacks) and Michael Cthulhu

The Fantasy Restaurant is my warmup exercise that asks people their dream: drink, appetizer, main, side, and dessert. It usually gets wacky and is always fun. These two characters are no exception. This is usually a patron only exclusive that is published at the same time as the main episode. I hope you have fun in the restaurant 🙂
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)

Why Am I – Eric Matelski

Eric is a craft brewer by day and an artist all the rest of the time. This is a winding conversation that goes from him as a kid gluing things together, then to him building theater sets in high school, all the way to him running security for a halfway house. This guy has done a LOT, and we barely scratched the surface, but, once you peer underneath you find a nurturing friend that wants everyone to see and explore their potential. I hope you enjoy this chat with Eric.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
Please show them some love on their socials here:
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)

Why Am I – Johnno Wilson

Today’s guest is Johnno Wilson. He’s a super chill actor, comedian, writer, and not nearly frequent enough, podcast cohost. His laid back positivity(and complete lack of rational fear) is just the thing we all need right now…doesn’t matter when you are listening to this, honestly. At any rate, I hope you enjoy this conversation with Johnno.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
Please show them some love on their socials here:,,,,
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)

Why Am I – Hannah and Nemo

Hannan and Nemo are career artists that have been living off their art for over 10 years…to any artist that sounds like an incredible feat. Oh, did I mention that they’ve lived and worked out of a van for a good portion of that time! I found them via their circle art, but now they mainly focus on mesmerizing mosaics made from recycled cans. It definitely takes an incredible amount of teamwork to keep what they do sustainable, so please join me for a bit of how they got there.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
Please show them some love on their socials here:,
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)

Why Am I – Michael Cthulhu

If you don’t know who Michael Cthulhu is, hold on to your pants; cause you are about to. Not only is this guy amazingly talented, he’s a great story teller, and one of the funniest people you are going to run into. He’s so delightful and down to earth, you can’t not like the guy. I hope you enjoy the chat!
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
Please show him some love on his socials here:,,,
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content!)

Why Am I – Owen Egerton

This conversation with Owen was my very first, and man was I fortunate to have him share his time with me.  He’s talented at a lot of things, not least of which is his comedy through which I found him.  I’ve heard some people shine a light wherever they go; well it seems that Owen travels with a miniature sun.  His optimism and energy are down right infectious.  I really hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
Please show him some love on his socials here:,
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content!)

Why Am I – Quinn Dunki(part1)

Quinn Dunki is such an extremely talented person that there’s no way she could deny the world her gifts. She’s a software engineer, youtube machinest(bloniehacks), and Canadian LOL. Please enjoy part one of my conversation with Quinn.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
Please show her some love on her socials here:,,,
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content!)

Fantasy Restaurant – Professor Tim Wilson

This is normally a Patreon exclusive reward, but once a season I’m going to put one out to the public.  The fantasy restaurant is the warmup exercise where I ask them to build the meal of their dreams.  We cover drink, appetizer, main, sides, and dessert.  I think I laughed all the way through Tim’s, so I hope you enjoy it.
Podcast episode on Anchor here.
Youtube version here:
If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content!)